Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Tutorial On How To Delete Virus From Your Phone and Memory Card Using Blueftp Application

This tutorial will show you How to remove or delete autorun virus and other viruses from your memory card by just using BlueFTP Application. We already know that there are various things which can be done with blueftp, it is not just used for sending and receiving files. Blueftp application can as well be used to delete one of the troublesome virus like the AUTORUN.EXE, which is one of the most common virus found on memory cards, flashdrives and PC/Laptop.
Autorun virus is not visible to the naked eyes, it hidden and dangerous and it attack slowly.
This tutorial will show you how to flush out Autorun virus from your Memory Card, PC. Etc.

How To Delete Autorun Virus From PC, Memory Card and Flash Drive

step 1. First, we are going to Download BlueFTP Application by clicking on this LINK HERE

step 2. After downloading it, Goto option on your blueftp applications access: change data reading to "always allowed."

step 3. Now Open your BlueFTP, locate your memory card (E:) If there is a virus on your memory card, it will be shown as index.tr autorun.exe, autorun vault etc, upon locating such file, it is called invisible virus, this invisible virus always affect and it cause java phones to be extremely slow and whenever you try to delete those invisible files with your BlueFTP, it will shown as "unable to delete file", whenever you have a file that refuse to delete, then it is invisible virus.

step 4. Inside your BlueFTP Application, scroll through and if you see any of the below listed viruses:

step 5. Find it, then press the 9 button (on your phone keypad), then you will be shown 3 then it will dislay a markable boxes; READ FLAG, HIDDEN FLAG, WRITE FLAG, TRIVING FLAG etc. simply mark WRITE FLAG and then unmark the HIDDEN FLAG and save it. select the file by pressing the (*) arch button, then press option and scrol down until you see the delete button, click on delete, after you sure you the file is deleted, close your blueftp application.

Now Goto your memory card, then you will notice that the Autom virus, etc has been deleted.
Notice: ensure you restore your Phone factory settings,
warning! before restoring your phone factory, please ensure that you move all your importants files on your phone memory to your memory card (i.e. You can move your phone contacts to sim card, move your messages to sim card. etc).
Restore your phone and start surfing with your phone, pc or flash drive with the hidden virus again.

Tip. You can repeat this once in a month to always keep your java phone, symbian phone, pc browsing at an extremely high speed.

Pls, Share this with your facebook friends


  1. i can't dawnload the blueftp in my nokia c1

  2. Must u restore phone factory settings afta deleting d virus?

  3. Emma, click dis http://tinyurl.com/aw2t4ly
