Etisalat Nigeria has newly launched a mobile money payment solution in conjunction with a number of banks in Nigeria. The banks that are currently using this etisalat mobile banking features are:
- First Bank,
- GTBank,
- Stanbic
- IBTC Bank and
- Zenith Bank.
The Etisalat Mobile App service is SIM-based and it can be easily access through the SIM menu on your mobile phone.
This service works on all Etisalat SIM cards and etisalat subscribers are only required to register with any of the Schemes in order to start using easywallet.
Important point: Etisalat Customers using this Easywallet app. are not bill from their airtime for any transactions using the mobile money SIM menu.
Features of ETISALAT NG EasyWallet Service
Etisalat subscribers using the easywallet service will be able to:
* pay their bills,(Electricity bills, water bills, etc)
* pay for goods and services,
* receive and send money to friends & family,
* send and receive money to their bank accounts,
* withdraw cash,
* top up their own airtime account or top up someone else's and
* manage their bank accounts with the Etisalat EasyWallet App on their Mobile Phone.
Etisalat directors inform the media that EasyWallet is the first fully secure Mobile Money SIM Application offered to customers with the easywallet application installed on their SIM cards.
The Etisalat EasyWallet application supports multiple languages
– English,
- Hausa,
- Igbo and
- Yoruba
so there is no barrier for people who only can read and understand their dialect.
What Model of Cell Phones can Use Etisalat EasyWallet?
The easywallet application works on all makes and models of phones, smartphones and tablet devices.
Easywallet is compliant with all industry standards such as ISO-1 and guarantees adequate protection of customer information while carrying out mobile financial transactions across multiple Mobile Money schemes.
Go etisalat!
Now banking made simple by Etisalat! What are you waiting for?
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